From standard to mirror polished finishes and protective coatings to flange-strengthening, get the finish that's right for you
ALUminum polish options
Alcoa has several finish options. Look for the last digit in the part number:
0 - Brushed finish on both sides as applicable*
1 - Mirror polish, outside only (steer)
2 - Mirror polish, inside only (drive)
3 - Mirror polish, both sides
7 - High Polish (formerly LVL One / Clean Buff); both sides as applicable*
8 - High Polish (formerly LVL One / Clean Buff); both sides as applicable*
9 - Brushed finish on both sides
*0 and 7 are determined by inset or outset mounting
Accuride aluminum has two standard polishes:
SP - Standard polish
XP - Enhanced polish
AIP (Inside / steer polish) and AOP (Outside / drive polish) are no longer being made
protective coatings
Ease maintenance, eliminate refinishing, and keep your wheels looking like new with a protective coating from both Alcoa and Accuride:
Alcoa - DuraBright
Accuride - Accu-Shield, Accu-Armor
flange-wear protection
Ensure the durability of your aluminum wheel with flange-wear protection ideal for severe service, shifting loads, or gritty operating environments:
Alcoa - DuraFlange
Accuride - Accu-Flange